ZSL Bot v4.89.1.00
OctoberCMS v3.4.0 (Blog) Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities
Vendor: October CMS
Product web page:
Affected version: 3.4.0
Summary: OctoberCMS is a self-hosted content management system (CMS)
based on the PHP programming language and Laravel web application framework.
It supports MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL for the database back end and
uses a flat file database for the front end structure. The October CMS
covers a range of capabilities such as users, permissions, themes, and
plugins, and is seen as a simpler alternative to WordPress.
Desc: OctoberCMS suffers from stored cross-site scripting vulnerability
when a user with the ability to a blog-creating feature that stores data
persistently could perform a stored XSS attack against any other users
visiting the blog page. This can lead to execute arbitrary HTML/JS code
in a user's browser session in context of an affected site.
Tested on: macOS Monterey 12.6.3
Docker 4.12.0 (85629)
Vulnerability discovered by Nazli Soysal Kuran
Advisory ID: ZSL-2023-5805
Advisory URL:
Stored XSS (GlobalRecord[blog_name]):
Endpoint: POST /backend/tailor/globals/blog_config
Payload: GlobalRecord%5Bblog_name%5D="</title><script>alert(1)</script>"
Zero Science Lab » OctoberCMS v3.4.0 (Blog) Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities
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